Low tech living

As of late I have been thinking more and more about low tech solutions. So much of our modern world is based off of energy usage of some sort. Specifically electrical or fossil fuels. As I read more and more it seems clear that getting rid of horses for tractors was a huge misstep in agriculture and helped create the cycle of destroying our soil with fertilizer and pesticides. It seems that one of the reason that small family farms haven’t been able to survive is the reliance on huge tractors costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Using horses in agriculture can create a symbiotic relationship where horse manure can be used as natural fertilizer and horses can live off of grains planted in a field specifically for them. Once again it seems the Amish got it right.

That made me think more and more about a dumb home. To solve the coming energy crisis we need to both produce clean energy and just use a lot less of it in general. I have worked in technology my whole life so this concept is both foreign and fascinating to me. What if one switched to wood burning stoves for both heat and cooking? What about using clothes lines instead of dryers or at least a drying rack? Then I stumbled in to this website https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com they are so in to low tech living the power the very website off solar. That’s incredible. And makes me wonder if I couldn’t do the same thing for so green farms? I would like to sell products on this site someday and I don’t know of a low tech way to do that and I want to get away from server admin duties when I am farming but this whole concept is fascinating to me. My short term goal is to buy some property in the middle of nowhere and start trying some of these low tech methods out. I am currently working on a project to build and entire bathroom in my stand alone garage that works on solar and rainwater only. We will see how it goes.


Learning about bee keeping


Kirk Webster Commercial Beekeeping Without Treatments Of Any Kind – Putting The Pieces Together Part 2